Monday, December 30, 2013

The Rule of 7

Happy (almost) New Year!

I'm always thankful for fresh starts.  It is an opportunity to reflect, refine, and try again.  So naturally, I'm thinking about my New Year's resolutions for 2014.

This year's resolutions are based on 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess by Jen Hatmaker.  She is hillarious!  I kept having to read parts of it aloud to friends because it is too funny not to share.  Warning: it's one of those books where you cen't just put it back on the shelf with a simple "that way nice".  You have to do something about it...dang it!  

In the book, Jen chooses one area of her life to simplify per month.  This is also to connect back to the spiritual discipline of fasting.  The number 7 is also recurring throughout the month- number of keeper items, items to gives, times to do something, etc.  

So...what's this going to look like?  
Each month I will have a monthly focus with the hope that some of the good behaviors will stick even when it's not in the spotlight.  I will try to stick with the "rule of 7" to shape my goals.  

Here is my line-up for the year:
January- Financial Fast
February- Giving to Others
March- Going Green
April- In the Kitchen
May- Financial Fast
June- Unplugged
July- Encourage Other
August- Prayer
September- Financial Fast
October- In a Book
November- Possessions
December- The Gospels

I'm excited about the variety and the challenge!'s this going to work?
My aim is to blog about my progress on the monthly focus (the good, the bad, and the ugly) at least twice per month.  At the end of each month, I'll outline the nitty-gritty for the next month's focus.  I would love for you to join me!  Take this idea and change it to best fit your lifestyle.  Blog about your experience or comment here to let me (and others) know how it's going.

January: Financial Fast
You might have noticed that this challenge repeats throughout the year.  I'm going to try it without many rules to play by.  So here's the gist- cut out the extra.  For me, it will be a month without a pedicure, Starbucks run, and movie tickets.  I bank online, and it tracks my spending and provides a monthly average.  Taking the difference from my monthly average and Financial Fast (FF) average, I will donate the difference to an organization of my choosing.  

Again, I would love, love for you to join me!  Change it so that it best works for you.  I'm always looking for an idea I can "borrow".  Who's in?!

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